Home Tag Medicine to treat sore throat

Articles in Medicine to treat sore throat

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Note when using antibiotics for children with sore throat
Currently, using antibiotics to treat sore throat in children is very popular. However, giving antibiotics to children unnecessarily will result in antibiotic resistance in the future. Therefore, learn to know the notes when giving antibiotics to children with sore throat and protect their health future.
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Does taking medication for gastritis affect endoscopic results of antral congestive- bile reflux?
Hi doctor! Let me ask, I have an endoscopy and the results of antral congestive heart failure - clotest bile reflux are negative. Before the end of endoscopy, I used drugs for gastritis - gastroesophageal reflux disease, specifically LAHM oral suspension, domperidone, kagasdine and some acute pharyngitis drugs.
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