Home Tag Medicine to treat hemorrhoids

Articles in Medicine to treat hemorrhoids

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What diseases does Hesmin treat?
Oranges, lemons and other citrus fruits are known to be excellent sources of vitamin C, and these fruits also contain diosmin which has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. Accordingly, the drug hesmin 500mg, the main ingredient is diosmin, is a kind of treatment to improve the health of veins. Moreover, the effect of hesmin also has the effect of strengthening other types of blood vessels.
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Does grade 1 hemorrhoids need surgery?
Hemorrhoids are a common disease in people who often have to stand a lot, sit for a long time, eat unscientifically, the elderly and pregnant women. Grade 1 hemorrhoids are the mildest, early treatment is quite simple and quick, not necessarily surgery.
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After giving birth, hemorrhoids are still "clinging" when breastfeeding!
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