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Articles in Medicine

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Do you have a correct understanding of the drug or not?
Pharmacy is medicine and drug-related activities. So what is a drug? The article will help readers understand the definition of a drug substance as well as specialized terms related to pharmacy.
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Note when using brain tonic
Brain tonic is a supplement that is interested by many subjects. Especially a brain tonic for children to increase thinking ability. Is the truth behind it really?
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Are you using liver tonic correctly?
Liver disease has a significant impact on health. Therefore, liver tonics are interested and used by many people. But are you taking your liver tonic the right way?
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What are supplements? How to use it safely?
Supplements are a form of functional foods that provide nutrients that the body lacks. The most common forms of tonics are vitamins and mineral elements. In addition, tonics are divided into several groups to facilitate the use and purposes of each individual.
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Do psychoactive tonics cause dependence?
Nervous breakdown occurs when the patient works in environments with too much pressure. This disease has a great impact on the patient not only physically but also mentally changing the patient. Many of these people often use nerve tonics to improve their condition. However, improper use of the drug can cause negative health effects.
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Uses of NadyGan
Nadygan is a cooling medicine that helps to nourish the liver and detoxify the liver. When taking drugs, you should refer to additional information to avoid interactions affecting drug effects. Here are some shares to help you understand what Nadygan medicine treats?
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Uses of Tralumium
Tralumi medicine is derived from natural herbal extracts, is a special medicine for mouth and tongue ulcers. The medicinal herbs in Tralumi are cool, clear heat, detoxify, heal small ulcers in the oral cavity.
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Uses of Sedatab
Sedatab is a herbal medicine that is used to treat insomnia, anxiety, and mental restlessness. So what is Sedatab and how does it work? This article will summarize information about the uses and dosages of this drug.
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What drugs do men take with fatty liver?
Using male medicine to treat fatty liver disease is also the choice of many people. Although male medicine has a slower effect than western medicine, it is quite benign and does not cause side effects. So, in case of fatty liver, what kind of medicinal plants do you drink?
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Cardiology Pediatrics Orthopedics