Home Tag Lower throat cancer

Articles in Lower throat cancer

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Stages and progression of throat cancer
Throat cancer is cancer that originates in the lower pharynx. The cause of throat cancer is currently unknown. Tumor usually originates from the pear sinus, when cancer spreads along the pharynx larynx, it will rise to the oropharynx and spread to the posterior wall of the pharynx, oropharynx, larynx.
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Classification of laryngeal cancer
Laryngeal cancer is a fairly common cancer today, accounting for 2% of all common cancers. Prognosis of laryngeal cancer is often better than that of other cancers if diagnosed and treated promptly.
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The technique of placing the pronunciation valve
There are two types of valve placement techniques: valve placement, 1 during laryngectomy or valve placement, 2 after laryngectomy. No matter what type of valve is indicated, the patient should absolutely cooperate with the doctor.
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