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Articles in Longo method

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Does Longo hemorrhoidectomy have anesthesia?
Doctor let me ask, does cutting hemorrhoids by Longo method have anesthesia?
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Can the Longo method treat mild hemorrhoids?
I have mild hemorrhoids but yesterday I had diarrhea and had many bowel movements leading to protruding hemorrhoids, now I have a burning pain in the anal area and can't completely insert the hemorrhoids inside with my hands. Can I ask the doctor if the Longo method can treat mild hemorrhoids?
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Is it okay to have blood out after hemorrhoid surgery with the longo method?
My husband operated on hemorrhoids with the longo method for 3 days but this afternoon he went to the toilet 4 times and every time he bleeds. So the doctor asked me to ask if there is blood in the stool after hemorrhoid surgery with the longo method? I ate a lot of vegetables and fruits today. Thank you doctor.
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