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Articles in Living mode

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Is it okay to have blood in the stool?
I often get stressed, stay up late to study, eat late at night, don't eat breakfast, sleep from early morning until 3pm. Recently, my stomach feels bloated and full, but I don't burp, I've been going heavy for 3 days now. Bleeding, but mixed with feces, so the water is light red, not bloody or anything, wiping the paper has a viscous fluid, but the abdomen is not painful but only distended, it's only been 3 days since I have had such a bowel movement. The doctor asked me if I had blood in the stool. Hope your doctor will respond soon. Thank you doctor.
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What to eat to grow hair fast?
Làm thế nào để kích thích mọc tóc là băn khoăn của không ít người hiện nay. Thực tế, việc thay đổi chế độ ăn uống có thể làm tăng tốc độ tăng trưởng của tóc.
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