Home Tag liver test

Articles in liver test

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How does drinking alcohol increase cancer risk?
People only know that smoking and exposing their skin to the sun can cause cancer, but few people do not realize the dangers of cancer that can come from drinking alcohol or cocktails. Researchers have found that drinking alcohol causes various chemical and physical changes in the body that make cancer more likely. Alcohol is responsible for approximately 5% of cancer-related cases and deaths worldwide.
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Are liver cysts dangerous? Things need to notice
Liver cyst is a phenomenon that forms an empty space containing fluid in the liver, it is considered a benign tumor, not causing cancer. According to the statistics of experts, this disease is not so common but only accounts for about 5% of the population and is very rare in patients under 40 years old.
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Test significance in alcoholic liver injury
Drinking a lot of alcohol on a regular basis is harmful to the body, especially the liver. The test helps to assess the extent of liver damage / function and is a great support for monitoring the progress and results of alcohol cessation. The identification of alcoholic liver disease is based on two sources of information: evidence of excessive alcohol consumption and evidence of liver disease as demonstrated by laboratory/laboratory findings.
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Does HBsAg test number 4370 mean hepatitis B?
Doctor let me ask, if I tested for HBsAg index 4370, do I have hepatitis B? Thank you doctor!
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Is the GGT index going up and down erratically?
I tested for liver enzymes and found that the GGT index increased and decreased, but they were higher than normal for 8 months. At its peak, it was 163, some other stats increased, but there were a few units. The doctor said that the increase was okay and gave him medicine to lower liver enzymes. But every time I check it, it's above normal. So the doctor asked me if the GGT index increased or decreased erratically?
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Can hepatitis B and grade F2 cirrhosis be cured?
Hi doctor. Can I ask if hepatitis B and grade F2 cirrhosis can be completely cured? Looking forward to consulting your doctor.
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Inactive hepatitis virus should use functional foods?
Hi doctor. I have been infected with hepatitis B for 12 years now, every 6 months I have a checkup. I am not taking any medicine yet because the virus is not active yet. So should I use foods that are for sale like hyra liver, big liver...? Thanks for the advice doctor.
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Why do people who often drink alcohol need to be screened for liver cancer?
Drinking alcohol is the leading cause of liver diseases such as cirrhosis, liver cancer... Especially liver cancer is a dangerous disease but difficult to detect, making treatment difficult and extremely expensive. least. Liver cancer screening is considered the golden key to prevent and treat the disease at an early stage.
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