Home Tag liver enzyme test

Articles in liver enzyme test

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All you need to know about viral hepatitis
Viral hepatitis is a common disease today. The disease is becoming more and more serious. With timely and appropriate treatment, patients with hepatitis will avoid dangerous complications.
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Body fatigue, chills is due to increased liver enzymes?
Hello doctor, I have had tests and ultrasounds, the results of gastritis and colonitis, elevated liver enzymes, because I always have a feeling of fatigue and chills (no fever) for the past few days. liver enzymes increase?
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Is there any specific medicine for chronic hepatitis B?
Hi doctor! Doctor let me ask, is there currently an effective treatment for chronic hepatitis B? I don't know if it is really good for people with liver disease?
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Q&A: Advice on liver enzyme test results ALT, AST, GGT
Hi doctor! The doctor asked me if the liver enzyme test results AsT:17.9, ALT: 15.7, GGT:5.5 are dangerous? Looking forward to consulting your doctor help me. Thank you
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Are people unusually hot and cold, tired due to advanced hepatitis B?
Hi doctor! I went for regular health check-ups in 2018 and 2019 and it was found that I have hepatitis B, but because I feel healthy, I don't take any medicine, but lately I feel unusually hot, cold and a bit tired. . So the doctor asked me: "The person is unusually hot, cold, tired, is it due to the progress of hepatitis B?". If it is true that hepatitis B is advanced, how should I treat it? Hoping to get an answer from the doctor soon. Sincerely thank!
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How does inactive hepatitis B need treatment?
Hi doctor! I have been infected with hepatitis B for the last few years, but my husband and 2 children in my family do not have it. I did a test and the result was that the hepatitis B virus was inactive. But because at this age I am also very worried about the disease, so I want to ask how does inactive hepatitis B need treatment? Thanks for the advice and answers!
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Is 11mm left liver cyst dangerous?
Hi doctor! Let me ask: "Is 11mm left liver cyst dangerous?" Thanks for the advice and answers!
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How should chronic hepatitis B test results be treated?
I have chronic hepatitis B for 7 years. I have tested the result is Ast/Alt <=40u/l, HBV DNA 757.860,000H <= 250 copies/ml), 8.88 log10 (<= 2.4log10). Abdominal ultrasound within normal limits. The doctor said no medicine needed. The doctor asked me how the results of the chronic hepatitis B test should be treated? How is my medical condition? Thank you doctor
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Can I check liver enzymes while taking traditional Chinese medicine?
Can people who are taking traditional Chinese medicine check their liver enzymes? Are the results affected?
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What is a high GGT index?
My father's GGT index is 304.00H many times higher than normal. So the doctor asked me if a high GGT is a sign of disease? What's wrong with my father's liver, doctor? Thank you doctor.
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How to treat high liver enzymes?
My father has biochemical test results, with ALT 1242, AST 1128 and it is concluded that liver enzymes are high. The doctor asked me, how to treat high liver enzymes? Thank you!
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