Home Tag Lip balm

Articles in Lip balm

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Should pregnant women use lipstick?
Makeup plays an essential role in enhancing beauty and boosting confidence for many women. However, during pregnancy, some cosmetic products, including lipstick, can potentially affect the health of the fetus. So, should pregnant women use lipstick?
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Should you use Vaseline on your lips?
Vaseline lip balm is an affordable option that is widely available in most grocery stores and drugstores. It's often praised as a soothing agent for dry skin, a wound healer, and a moisturizer for chapped lips. But should you use Vaseline on your lips, and is it recommended?
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Characteristics of Smoker's Lips
Smoking not only affects internal health but also changes appearance. Smoking accelerates the aging process, leading to wrinkles and unwanted changes in the skin, most noticeable on the lips of smokers. Accordingly, dark lips caused by smoking are characterized by vertical wrinkles around the mouth; at the same time, the lips and gums can also become significantly darker than their natural color.
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Itchy lips: Causes and prevention
Sometimes you experience sudden itching on your lips, which can be very uncomfortable, but you're unsure why your lips are itching. So, how can you prevent itchy and painful lips?
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