Home Tag Ischemic heart disease

Articles in Ischemic heart disease

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How does ischemia present?
I have tachycardia, heart rate 102/min. I had an ultrasound, the results of the heart was a 1⁄4 tricuspid regurgitation, left ventricular dilatation disorder, and a straight chest x-ray with normal results. So how does ischemia manifest?
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What to do when you have chronic ischemic heart disease?
Chronic ischemic heart disease is the killer god that takes the lives of many patients. Understanding and choosing the correct diagnostic methods is important for effective disease detection and treatment.
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Evaluation and diagnosis of angina pectoris
Angina is one of the most common medical conditions today with the most common cause being coronary artery stenosis. Angina can be typical angina and atypical angina with different clinical manifestations. Therefore, when having angina, the patient should go to the medical facility as soon as possible to get an accurate diagnosis.
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Diagnosis and treatment of myocardial ischemia
One of the most common causes of chest pain in adults is ischemic heart disease. This manifestation will be extremely dangerous if it is a symptom of acute myocardial infarction or unstable angina. Diagnosing and treating myocardial ischemia quickly and accurately will help reduce complications and mortality in patients.
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Diagnosis and treatment of coronary artery disease
Coronary artery disease with other names: Coronary artery disease, atherosclerotic heart disease, ischemic heart disease. This is a condition in which the coronary arteries become blocked, leading to a lack of oxygen to the heart muscle.
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Angina - a typical manifestation of ischemic heart disease
Chronic ischemic heart disease, also known as stable angina, is a common cardiovascular disease and tends to increase sharply in developing countries.
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Control angina
Đau thắt ngực là triệu chứng than phiền khá thường gặp của các bệnh nhân đến khám với mối lo lắng về các bệnh lý tim mạch. Đa số bệnh nhân có những cơn đau ngực không liên quan đến bệnh lý tim mạch và thường không nguy hiểm. Số còn lại có bệnh lý động mạch vành cấp hoặc mạn tính cũng có triệu chứng đau thắt ngực nhưng với tính chất khác biệt.
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Is chronic ischemic heart disease a myocardial infarction?
Dear Doctor Vinmec! I have a relative who had a heart attack, was diagnosed with chronic ischemic heart disease, 80% stenosis of coronary artery P and had surgery to place 2 stents.
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Cardiology Pediatrics Orthopedics