Home Tag Intestinal blockage

Articles in Intestinal blockage

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How does constipation feel?
Constipation can occur due to one or more malfunctions of the pathway where stool is excreted. These can include slow-moving stools, hard stools, or problems with the muscles and nerves needed to have a bowel movement.
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List the causes of stomach pain in children
There are many reasons why children have stomach aches, but not always requiring medical help. However, do not be too subjective, because stomach aches are sometimes a sign of many dangerous diseases that require urgent intervention.
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How is the removal of the intussusception under the bright X-ray in children?
Intussusception once detected needs to be monitored and treated immediately. Intussusception under fluoroscopy is a method of intussusception in children that is often used with higher efficiency when compared to intussusception in adults. This method is less invasive and limits the intervention of a surgery on children.
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Cardiology Pediatrics Orthopedics