Home Tag Hyperthyroidism

Articles in Hyperthyroidism

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What is normal heart rate and blood pressure?
Hi doctor. My heart rate is usually 90 to 110, and my blood pressure is about 110 to 120, I don't know if it's normal. Often when riding a motorbike, there is a startling phenomenon, the face is swollen. Thank you doctor for sharing information to help me.
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Is chest pain on the left a symptom of Basedow?
Hi doctor. About a month ago, I felt a tightness in my left breast above my chest. Usually lying face down will help, sometimes have to take a deep breath to get air.
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Is hyperthyroidism dangerous?
Cường giáp là hội chứng phổ biến do nhiều bệnh gây nên, Basedow là nguyên nhân gây cường giáp hay gặp nhất. Tuyến giáp đóng vai trò quan trọng trong việc chuyển hóa và tăng trưởng của cơ thể. Vậy bệnh cường giáp nguy hiểm như thế nào?
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Causes, signs and methods of early diagnosis of thyroid cancer
Thyroid cancer is one of the most common diseases in the head, face, neck and is ranked 10th in terms of the prevalence of common cancers (after liver, lung, breast, stomach .. .). Currently, the incidence of thyroid cancer is increasing in the world as well as in Vietnam. According to statistics, the incidence of thyroid cancer in the past 5 years has increased by 3-4 times. The data of Globocan 2018, 2020 shows that Vietnam has an average of nearly 6000 new cases each year. In fact, this is a cancer with a pretty good prognosis if the patient is detected early and treated promptly. So to detect the disease as early as possible, what should we do?
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Cardiology Pediatrics Orthopedics