Home Tag Hyperthermia therapy

Articles in Hyperthermia therapy

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What is the difference between cancer cells and normal cells?
Cancer is a common and dangerous disease that causes unpredictable consequences if not detected and treated in time. So how are cancer cells different from normal cells?
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Hyperthermia therapy combined with radiation therapy
Hyperthermia is a type of cancer treatment in which body tissue is exposed to high heat, intended to damage and kill cancer cells, but without causing serious damage to normal tissues.
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At what temperature do cancer cells die?
Heat therapy for cancer treatment is based on the mechanism of increasing temperature to destroy malignant cells. So at what temperature do cancer cells die and does this temperature affect healthy cells?
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Hyperthermia or thermotherapy in the treatment of cancer
Tăng thân nhiệt hay nhiệt trị là một loại điều trị ung thư trong đó mô cơ thể tiếp xúc với nhiệt độ cao, nhằm làm hỏng và tiêu diệt các tế bào ung thư, nhưng lại không gây tổn thương nghiêm trọng cho các mô bình thường.
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Cardiology Pediatrics Orthopedics