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Articles in Hyperplasia

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List of the most common cancers and how to detect them
Today, cancers are so common that almost everyone has someone they know diagnosed with cancer. When diagnosed early, cancer is treated earlier and more successful. Therefore, knowledge about common cancers such as stomach cancer, colon cancer, lung cancer, breast cancer and their clinical signs should be disseminated to the community.
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How did cancer start?
Normal cells can become cancer cells through a number of processes. Before cancer forms, those cells undergo abnormal changes called hyperplasia and dysplasia. However, hyperplasia and dysplasia may or may not form cancer.
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What is cancer? The difference between cancer cells and normal cells
Cancer is the collective name for a collection of related diseases. In any cancer, there are abnormal cells, which are normal cells of the body, but now divide, multiply out of control, invade surrounding tissues and can cause cancer. can metastasize.
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