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Articles in HP treatment

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What is Normagut? Features and uses
Normagut is an effective enteroprotector in situations such as diarrhea while traveling or due to antibiotic use. In addition, the drug also protects and restores the intestinal flora, helping to prevent chronic digestive diseases such as colon cancer.
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Why do I feel tired after eating a lot of rice?
Hello doctor! My mother has finished a course of HP treatment but her stomach still feels uncomfortable, eats quite little, each meal can only eat 1/3 cup of rice, if she eats a lot of rice, she will be very tired and can't sleep. So what did the doctor tell me to do to improve? Thanks for the advice doctor!
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Does Scurma fizzy completely cure HP and stomach problems?
The pharmacist asked me, I saw Scurma fizzy products on TV when I saw Scurma fizzy products, so can Scurma fizzy completely cure HP and stomach problems when taking only 1 type? And this is a drug or a functional food, the introduction does not specify this. Please answer the pharmacist, because I am on treatment for HP.
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Continuous vomiting and hot stomach after taking medicine to treat HP bacteria should change the medicine?
I take medicine for HP bacteria but I have constant vomiting and my stomach is often hot. I only took 1 dose though. Doctor, can you advise me, if I have constant vomiting and hot stomach after taking medicine to treat HP bacteria, should I change my medicine?
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Is Kimura C1 atrophic gastritis dangerous?
I have a stomach problem, Hp + for a long time, due to work sometimes have to drink alcohol. I have treated HP several times but not all. Today, I have an endoscopy and the result is that I have atrophic gastritis kimura C1. Doctor let me ask if atrophic gastritis kimura C1 is dangerous? Can this disease be cured? Thank you doctor.
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Eat less, eat a lot, easy to vomit after HP treatment?
I have a niece born in 1999 (22 years old), with HP disease. After the treatment period is over, my niece eats very little, if she eats a lot, it's easy to vomit. Eat foods such as beef and pork are not allowed and drink less water, sometimes 5% glucose intravenous infusion. The doctor told me that after HP treatment, if the patient eats less, eats a lot, is it okay to vomit?
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Is it okay to have abdominal pain again after 2 weeks of HP treatment?
I had abdominal pain, I went to the hospital and was diagnosed with HP infection and was treated for scars for 2 months. After 2 weeks of treatment, I feel normal. But a few days ago, I was in pain again. My pain is not severe, but when I sleep, I do. I often have pain and wake up at 3-4 am. When I woke up, I was covered in sweat. So the doctor asked me if my stomach pain returned after 2 weeks of HP treatment?
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What's wrong with fatigue and diarrhea when taking HP drugs?
I am infected with stomach bacteria HP and have gastroesophageal reflux disease. For 2 weeks now, I have been taking antibiotics with symptoms of fatigue, dizziness, blurred vision and diarrhea. Sometimes, I feel my body is unusually hot and cold. So the doctor asked me if I was tired with diarrhea when taking HP medicine?
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If you want to check your HP after treatment, can you use a blood test?
I have a full stomach, upset stomach after eating, quickly full and especially when I sit down, my stomach hurts, it's okay to lean or stand (first symptom) 1 month ago, I want to check HP after treatment with blood test is that Okay?
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What are the signs and symptoms of Hp infection?
Please advise me what are the signs and symptoms of Hp infection?
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The person who has been treated for HP has a raised lesion in the stomach, is it okay?
I have occasional nausea and dizziness. I went for a gastroscopy and found the mucosa congested, clotest with HP, 1 lesion 4mm high, clearly demarcated, smooth surface, soft density. I was treated for HP and esophageal fungus 1 month ago. So the doctor asked me if the person who has been treated for HP has a raised lesion in the stomach, is it okay? What is the method of treatment? I thank the doctor.
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