Home Tag HP-positive gastritis

Articles in HP-positive gastritis

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Treatment and care of patients with peptic ulcer disease
Hello doctor, I have peptic ulcer disease and HP bacteria that have not been cured in many places, the symptoms are full and painful, hunger also hurts, heartburn, belching, heat, indigestion, difficult bowel movements what to do with the towel?
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Treatment measures for hp-positive gastritis
Up to 90% of patients with peptic ulcers are caused by Helicobacter pylori bacteria, the presence of HP increases the risk of stomach cancer. When detecting the presence of HP, it is necessary to treat with antibiotics according to the protocol
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Treatment of HP-positive gastritis for children
Do điều kiện sống, khả năng tầm soát vi khuẩn HP còn hạn chế nên tỷ lệ người mắc viêm dạ dày HP dương tính ngày càng cao, đặc biệt là ở trẻ em. Trong khi đó việc tầm soát bệnh ở trẻ lại khó hơn so với người lớn.
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Cardiology Pediatrics Orthopedics