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The "golden" phase of treatment of biliary atresia in infants
Congenital biliary atresia is a rare disease of the liver and biliary tract, characterized by disruption or deficiency of the extrahepatic biliary system, causing obstruction of bile flow. Due to misdiagnosis and late detection, many infants are missed the golden opportunity to have surgery to treat the disease. So when is the best time to treat congenital biliary atresia?
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Causes of biliary atresia
Biliary atresia (bile duct stenosis) includes congenital biliary atresia and secondary biliary atresia caused by other conditions. The disease can cause many unpredictable complications such as cholangitis
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How is biliary atresia diagnosed?
Congenital biliary atresia is a rare disease of the liver and biliary tract that results from an unexplained inflammatory process that destroys the intrahepatic and extrahepatic bile ducts, impeding the outflow of bile. leading to fibrosis, biliary obstruction and progression of cirrhosis.
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Causes and symptoms of biliary atresia
Congenital biliary atresia is a fairly rare disease of the liver and bile, appearing due to many causes such as bacterial infections, viruses, environmental factors or abnormalities in pregnancy, ...
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Treatment methods for biliary atresia
Biliary atresia is a disease characterized by an obstruction in the flow of bile from the liver to the duodenum (small intestine), which can lead to many dangerous complications such as liver abscess, cirrhosis, liver failure or even is death. Treatment of congenital biliary atresia by surgery is an effective method to treat the disease, reducing the risk of complications.
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Diet for patients with liver disease
The liver is an organ responsible for the digestion and metabolism of all substances circulating in the body. A healthy liver, absorbs nutrients well and eliminates unnecessary substances to help the body stay healthy. Thus, the diet for patients with hepatobiliary disease how to perform is something that liver disease patients and normal people should also know.
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Risk factors and complications of gallstones
Risk factors for gallstones are related to human, metabolic, immunological, and lifestyle factors. Symptoms of the disease often recur and are more severe, sometimes leading to complications with gallstones and requiring hospital treatment.
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What you need to know about vomiting bile
Bile is a yellow-green liquid produced by the liver that is stored in the gallbladder. It is essential for the digestion and breakdown of fats into smaller parts called fatty acids that can be absorbed easily by the digestive tract.
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Background digitization and percutaneous biliary stenting
Đặt stent đường mật là một kỹ thuật cao, được sử dụng để điều trị tắc nghẽn xảy ra trong ống mật. Theo đó, kỹ thuật chụp mạch máu số hóa xóa nền (chụp DSA) ứng dụng tia X để nghiên cứu mạch máu trong cơ thể, giúp thấy rõ thương tổn trước khi chỉ định can thiệp.
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Cardiology Pediatrics Orthopedics