Home Tag Hemorrhoids

Articles in Hemorrhoids

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How long does it take for hemorrhoids to heal?
Hemorrhoids are a benign disease, but its impact on quality of life is not small. Therefore, patients often choose to remove hemorrhoids to completely solve their disease. So how long does it take to heal hemorrhoids after cutting hemorrhoids, what are the signs to warn of an infection?
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What to do if it is difficult to defecate after hemorrhoid removal?
Caring for the patient after hemorrhoidectomy is a very important stage that determines the patient's healing and recovery. Some of the following patients often experience difficulty in defecation after hemorrhoidectomy. So after cutting hemorrhoids, can I go to the toilet? Find out through the article below.
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What is hemorrhoid occlusion? How is the treatment?
Tắc mạch trĩ là tình trạng mạng lưới mạch máu ở lòng ống hậu môn bị phá vỡ, hình thành cục máu đông gây tắc mạch. Tắc mạch trĩ diễn tiến âm thầm cùng với bệnh trĩ. Nếu không phát hiện và điều trị tắc mạch trĩ kịp thời có thể dẫn đến một số biến chứng nguy hiểm.
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