Home Tag Heart-related diseaes

Articles in Heart-related diseaes

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Diagnosis and treatment of heart failure in the elderly
Heart failure occurring in the elderly are complications related to diseases such as hypertension, cardiovascular disease, or all other systemic diseases,... This article will provide readers with information. Fundamentals of the diagnosis and treatment of heart failure in the elderly.
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11 signs of heart disease you can easily ignore
Not all heart problems have obvious warning signs. Some heart attack symptoms don't even occur in the chest and aren't always easily recognizable.
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Chronic heart failure and coronary artery disease in people with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)
Người bệnh khi bị phổi tắc nghẽn mạn tính COPD thường kéo theo nhiều bệnh đồng mắc khác như tim mạch, loãng xương, đái tháo đường, bệnh phổi, tiêu hóa,...Trong đó, suy tim mạn và bệnh mạch vành là bệnh thường xảy ra nhất khiến việc điều trị bệnh trở nên khó khăn.
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Cardiology Pediatrics Orthopedics