Home Tag Heart murmur

Articles in Heart murmur

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5 frequently asked questions about heart murmurs
In healthy adults, two normal heart sounds, often described as a lub (opening) and a dub (closing sound), occur in sequence with each heartbeat. It is the first heart sound (S1) and the second heart sound (S2), produced by the closure of the atrioventricular and semilunar valves. In addition to these normal heart sounds, many other heart sounds may also be encountered including murmurs, valve clicks, and galloping sounds S3 and S4.
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Heart murmur: Warning of heart valve disease
A heart murmur is a sound that can be heard during cardiac activity, produced by the movement of blood through the heart. This murmur can be heard with a medical stethoscope. A normal heart beat will make 2 sounds like: "boom - chuck", which is the sound of the heart valve closing.
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What are the warning signs of a heart murmur?
Hi doctor. What are the warning signs of a heart murmur? I hope the doctor can help me. Thank you.
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Cardiology Pediatrics Orthopedics