Home Tag Heart beats intermittently

Articles in Heart beats intermittently

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Causes and treatments for arrhythmias
Arrhythmia is a disease related to the heart's rhythm control process, indicating an abnormality in the rate and/or rhythm of the heart caused by an abnormality of the electrical conduction system in the heart.
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Intermittent heartbeat is a sign of what disease?
I just found out that I have cardiovascular disease, the symptoms are as follows: The heart is beating normally, then it suddenly stops for about 1 second and then beats again. So the doctor asked me what is the intermittent heart beat?
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Or is shortness of breath with heart palpitations dangerous?
Lately, I've been feeling short of breath and my heart skipped a beat. So the doctor asked me if shortness of breath with irregular heartbeat is dangerous? I have a regular check-up and my heart and blood pressure are fine.
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Cardiology Pediatrics Orthopedics