Home Tag Heart beats fast

Articles in Heart beats fast

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Cardiovascular clinical examination and what you need to know
Cardiovascular disease is a disease that appears silently and leaves many serious sequelae, even affecting human life. Therefore, periodic monitoring and examination of the heart is an extremely necessary thing to contribute to the timely detection and treatment of cardiovascular diseases.
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11 signs of heart disease you can easily ignore
Not all heart problems have obvious warning signs. Some heart attack symptoms don't even occur in the chest and aren't always easily recognizable.
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Who should have an electrocardiogram?
Cardiovascular diseases such as coronary artery disease, cerebral artery disease, peripheral artery disease, etc. are tending to be younger, accounting for 77% of annual deaths. For the prevention and early detection of cardiovascular diseases, electrocardiography is an indispensable method when screening for cardiovascular disease.
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Cardiology Pediatrics Orthopedics