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Articles in Heart beat

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Or have palpitations, shortness of breath, startling, is it due to cardiovascular disease?
I often have palpitations, difficulty breathing, or startling, every time I startle, my heart beats very fast, I feel like my chest is pressed down and I can't breathe. Doctor let me ask if I have palpitations, shortness of breath, startling, is it due to cardiovascular disease?
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Left chest pain, irregular heartbeat are signs of what disease?
Doctor, for the last few days, I have had signs of left chest pain, when I sleep on my left side, my heart beats very strangely. May I ask what's wrong with you?
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Chest pain, shortness of breath is a heart disease?
Hello doctor, I am 44 years old. A year ago, I had chest pain, shortness of breath and had to sit up straight to take a deep breath, but within a few seconds, this phenomenon no longer appeared. Earlier this year, I saw that phenomenon appear again, every time I had trouble breathing, I felt it spread to my head and salivated. The doctor told me this phenomenon is caused by the heart? I hope you can answer me, thank you doctor.
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Cardiology Pediatrics Orthopedics