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Articles in Heart attack

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Heart palpitations, cold hands and feet are due to the influence of weight loss pills or pregnancy?
Hi doctor. Recently, I have used weight loss pills, I have some symptoms such as strong heart, cold hands and feet... Before, when I used weight loss pills, I ate a lot and slept a lot. Is my condition due to my pregnancy or the effect of the drug? Thank you doctor.
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Choking in the left chest, the heart is pounding, what's wrong?
I felt in the left chest as if something was blocked, my heart was pounding again and naturally I found it difficult to breathe, but when I exhaled strongly, I felt fine. Please advise me doctor!
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Weak limbs, heart palpitations, nervousness, shortness of breath are diseases of the autonomic nervous system?
I found myself having symptoms like a disorder of the autonomic nervous system: weak limbs, pounding heart, nervousness like fainting, especially having to stretch out to take a deep breath to feel comfortable. This phenomenon is happening more and more often. So, doctor, tell me if my hands and feet are weak, my heart is pounding, I am nervous, and I have trouble breathing, is it a disease of the autonomic nervous system?
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The pulse in the neck and heart palpitations, blurred vision, ringing in the ears, and body aches are signs of what pathology?
Recently, I feel my neck is pounding inside, my heart is pounding, my head hurts, my eyes are blurry, my ears are ringing, my legs are numb. Sometimes there are a few places on the body that are pounding, the cervical vertebrae are sometimes aching, the muscles of the limbs are sometimes tense.
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Shortness of breath when lying down, heart palpitations when sitting, left chest pain is heart valve regurgitation?
Hello doctor, I want to ask about a disease related to the symptoms of heart palpitations, shortness of breath. Let me ask you, I just discovered that I have trouble breathing when I lie down with my legs straight, or my left chest pain is not very painful, my heart is pounding when I am sitting. I went to the doctor and said he had tricuspid heart valve 1⁄4. Ask your child about difficulty breathing when lying down, heart palpitations when sitting, pain in the left chest, is the heart valve open? Is the disease serious? Will the disease progress or will I die?
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Why do I feel a pounding heart, discomfort in my chest when lying down?
Hi doctor! Why did the doctor tell me why I had a feeling of a pounding heart, discomfort in my chest when lying down? Ask your doctor for advice. I would like to thank you.
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Is it okay if you have a 1/4 heart valve open, your heart jerks, you sweat and your face darkens?
Hi doctor! My mother has a 1/4 heart valve open, heart jerks, sweats and darkens face, is it okay? I hope my doctor can help me.
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Frequent shallow breathing, heart palpitations when sleeping, why?
Hi doctor! I often have shallow breathing, my heart beats fast when I'm about to fall asleep, I feel like I don't have enough air when I breathe in, I try to breathe hard, I choke, it's very uncomfortable, maybe that's why I have another habit of stopping breathing. about 1-2 seconds.
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What is heart palpitations with chest pain?
I was having heart palpitations throughout my body, shortness of breath and headache. I often have chest pain. I have had it for almost 3 months now sir. So the doctor asked me what is the heart palpitations with chest pain?
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Are men with cardiac nerve disorders dangerous?
1 month ago, I had an allergic reaction to 1 Vero cell nasal vaccine. The day before, I was playing football for about 10 minutes, when my heart beat tired and dizzy (never before). I went to the doctor and said that I had a neurological disorder, I felt better after taking medicine but now my heart is still beating strongly (not as usual) and my head is heavy with lifting. So the doctor told me to ask if men with neurological disorders are dangerous? How is the treatment? Thank you doctor.
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Or is it okay to have high blood pressure in the morning with a pounding heart?
I often have high blood pressure in the morning, sometimes it is 154/113/80, normal is 114/87/82. It didn't feel short of breath, just felt the heart pounding, the upper half of the ribcage was slightly tight and ran parallel to the back, the feeling that the two hands were not strong enough to cause discomfort. So the doctor told me, is it okay to have high blood pressure in the morning with a pounding heart? Thank you doctor.
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Cardiology Pediatrics Orthopedics