Home Tag Glucocorticoids

Articles in Glucocorticoids

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Learn about Dexamethasone nasal drops
Dexamethasone nasal drops are effective in the symptomatic treatment of inflammatory or allergic rhinitis. However, if used too often, improperly, the drug can cause many side effects.
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Prevention and treatment of corticosteroid-induced osteoporosis
Corticosteroids are a group of anti-inflammatory drugs that are used in many indications with different pathologies. Corticosteroid therapy is associated with an increased risk of bone loss and fracture. Therefore, the prevention and treatment of corticosteroid-induced osteoporosis is very important.
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Uses of Hydrocortisone 10mg
Hydrocortisone 10mg is used to treat low hydrocortisone levels caused by certain diseases of the adrenal glands, such as Addison's disease, adrenal insufficiency. Please read the article below to know more about the use of hydrocortisone 10mg.
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What is Flucinar? Usage and usage
Flucinar is indicated for the short-term treatment of acute or chronic conditions of glucocorticoid-responsive non-infective atopic dermatitis, seborrheic dermatitis, urticaria, hereditary dermatitis... Let's find out the use and use of Flucinar through the article below.
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What does Gomes do?
Anti-inflammatory Corticosteroid is one of the drugs widely used in clinical practice, of which the most popular is the active ingredient Methylprednisolone - the main active ingredient of Gomes 16mg. So what are the effects of Gomes and what should be noted during use?
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Uses of Vipredni 16 mg
Vipredni drug 16mg is a drug with anti-inflammatory and immunosuppressive effects. Thanks to that effect, the drug is widely used in many different diseases. However, the wrong use of drugs or abuse of drugs can cause many disadvantages to the body.
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Uses of Maxlen - 70
Maxlen 70 belongs to the group of drugs for osteoarthritis, is indicated in the treatment and prevention of osteoporosis in postmenopausal women, men... Let's learn about the uses and notes when using Maxlen 70 through the article below. this.
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What is Hotemin 20mg?
Hotemin 20mg has the main ingredient is Methylprednisolone, used to treat bone and joint diseases and acute gout. Using Hotemin 20mg exactly as prescribed by your doctor will help you ensure your health and maximize the effectiveness of your treatment.
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Adrenal insufficiency: Diagnosis and treatment
Adrenal insufficiency is a condition in which the adrenal glands produce too little cortisol, disrupting metabolic processes in the body, seriously affecting human health.
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What are corticosteroids? Are corticosteroids beneficial or harmful?
Corticoid là nhóm thuốc được chỉ định trong nhiều bệnh lý khác nhau do có tác dụng chống viêm, chống dị ứng, ức chế miễn dịch. Vì thuốc thường làm giảm nhanh các triệu chứng, lạm dụng corticoid là hiện tượng khá phổ biến. Nhiều bệnh nhân đã gặp phải những tác dụng phụ nặng nề do sử dụng không hợp lý nhóm thuốc này.
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Adrenal insufficiency due to inappropriate use of corticosteroids
Với việc phổ biến rộng rãi và không được kiểm soát, các sản phẩm có chứa corticoid được người bệnh mua và sử dụng rất dễ dàng. Về lâu ngày, người bệnh sẽ bị suy thượng thận do dùng corticoid. Đây là một biến chứng khiến cho họ không thể dừng thuốc được hoặc đôi khi gặp phải suy thượng thận cấp, làm trụy tim mạch và nguy hiểm đến tính mạng.
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Cardiology Pediatrics Orthopedics