Home Tag Gastrointestinal bleeding

Articles in Gastrointestinal bleeding

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What tests should be done to diagnose bleeding from a peptic ulcer?
Gastrointestinal bleeding is a serious complication of gastric pathology, causing bleeding in the stomach lining leading to vomiting blood, bloody stools. If not detected and treated promptly, it can lead to death.
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What is epigastric pain with black stools?
Epigastric pain and black stools are warning signs of many dangerous diseases. Therefore, patients need to be very careful with these symptoms, should go to the doctor for accurate diagnosis and timely treatment intervention.
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Should people with stomach pain take stomach pain relievers?
Many stomach pain patients abuse pain relievers to get rid of the pain quickly but can cause many unwanted consequences.
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Bleeding in the bile ducts: Causes, symptoms and treatment
Biliary tract bleeding is an injury to the biliary tract and causes bleeding. There are many causes of biliary tract bleeding, most of which are due to diseases and damage to the liver. Treatment of biliary tract bleeding includes surgical treatment.
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Arteriovenous malformation imaging procedure and node digitization software remove the background
Chụp và nút dị dạng động tĩnh mạch bằng phần mềm số hóa xóa nền là kỹ thuật hiện đại, được áp dụng đặc hiệu trong chẩn đoán các mạch máu dị dạng qua các kỹ thuật điều chỉnh ánh sáng kết hợp với biện pháp điều trị can thiệp nút mạch dị dạng.
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