Home Tag Gastroduodenal disease

Articles in Gastroduodenal disease

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Frequent abdominal pain above the navel, below the left flank and spreading to the back with belching, what medicine to take and how to treat
I often have pain in the abdomen above the navel, below the left flank, pain spreading to the back, or belching. Doctor let me ask, often abdominal pain above the navel, below the left ribs and spreading to the back with belching, what medicine should I take and how to treat it?
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Abdominal pain, vomiting yellow water with blood is what disease?
I had a stomach ache and vomited yellow water and some blood. Doctor tell me what is the disease with abdominal pain, vomiting yellow water with blood?
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Stomach distension after eating leaves is intestinal obstruction?
Two days ago, I ate a lot of honey leaves, two days I rarely had a bowel movement. Normally, I go very regularly (1-2 times a day). Now, I have a feeling of fullness in my stomach (in addition, there are no symptoms), I go to sleep with a feeling of being pinched, and it is difficult to breathe. So the doctor told me to ask if the stomach strain after eating the leaves is a blockage of the intestines?
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Cardiology Pediatrics Orthopedics