Home Tag Gastric tube

Articles in Gastric tube

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Can the patient voluntarily withdraw the nasogastric tube leading to death?
Hi doctor. May I ask, when a patient with a nasogastric tube is uncomfortable and voluntarily withdraws it, can it lead to death?
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Is it worrisome to put a gastric tube after appendectomy?
Hi doctor. After 2 weeks of appendectomy, my father could not eat, had to put a nasogastric tube. Doctor let me ask if my father's condition is so dangerous? Looking forward to consulting your doctor help me. Thank you.
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Can I eat while having a nasogastric tube?
I am having a nasogastric tube inserted from my nose to pump food into my stomach but my mouth is craving for food. So the doctor asked me if I was able to eat with a nasogastric tube? Can I just keep the tube and eat it? If you can eat more by mouth, what can you eat? Thank you doctor.
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Cardiology Pediatrics Orthopedics