Home Tag Gallbladder surgery

Articles in Gallbladder surgery

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Does cholecystectomy affect health and life expectancy?
I went to the ultrasound and had chronic cholecystitis, the doctor indicated cholecystectomy. So the doctor asked me if cholecystectomy affects my health and life expectancy? Thank you doctor.
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Ultrasound can't find gallbladder, what's wrong?
The doctor asked me if the ultrasound could not find the gallbladder, what's wrong? I thank the doctor.
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How long does it take for the body to fully recover after laparoscopic cholecystectomy?
The doctor asked me how long after laparoscopic cholecystectomy will my body recover completely? After returning to normal, do I have to fast? Thanks for the advice doctor.
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Can you exercise normally 1 month after cholecystectomy?
I have had my gallbladder removed for 1 month, the doctor asked me if I can exercise normally 1 month after cholecystectomy? Is it necessary to abstain from heavy labor? Thank you and does eating and drinking have to abstain from alcohol?
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Constipation after cholecystectomy?
My grandmother is 80 years old and has had her cholecystectomy for more than 1 year. After the operation, she often suffered from constipation. Lately, she often has chills in the afternoon. So the doctor asked me if constipation after cholecystectomy is okay? What should I give her to eat and drink to limit the above symptoms?
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Can women 1 month after cesarean section have cholecystectomy?
I gave birth by cesarean section for 1 month and 10 days, so that I had gallstones, causing a lot of pain and loss of health. So doctor let me ask women 1 month after cesarean section can cholecystectomy?
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