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Articles in Fertilization

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Ejaculation near my door pregnant?
Hello doctor. I had sex with my husband but ejaculated outside the vagina, his penis was on the surface of the vagina but not inside the vagina, but ejaculated near the vagina. Can I get pregnant?
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Pre-ovulatory follicle formation and development
Normally, a woman's menstrual cycle is about 28-30 days and there will be one ovulation. The ovulation phase is when the ovarian follicle has grown to a certain size (16-26mm) and then ruptures and is released to a pre-accepted fallopian tube in the uterus.
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Pregnancy: How Are Babies Made?
We all know the basics of how babies are made. You have sex, then sperm travels a long way to meet an egg. And you have a baby. Right? It can be a little more complicated than that. Understanding how pregnancy works can help you understand your fertility better.
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How does fertilization take place?
You may not know what fertilization is, how long does it take to know if you are pregnant, but in fact, fertilization and conception can only occur when sperm combines with egg cells. This process is not simple, it even takes a long time for sperm to reach the egg.
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What is the ideal childbearing age?
Nature has given women the best gift of life, the opportunity to conceive and give birth. Many women can have children in their 20s, but this is not the ideal age for them to deal with pregnancy and child-rearing. Some women are not even ready in their 30s.
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Is a 35-45 day menstrual cycle normal?
Is a 40-day menstrual cycle normal? The typical range for a normal menstrual cycle is 35 to 45 days. However, if the interval between periods is significantly longer and is accompanied by symptoms of gynecological issues or suspicion of pregnancy, it is important to seek medical advice promptly.
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How long after sex to conceive?
Getting pregnant is a turning point in life. This article will provide you with some knowledge about the process of fertilization, implantation and development of the embryo to answer the question: "How long after sex can you get pregnant?"
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How to Calculate the Safest Days for Intercourse
The safe period method predicts the days most likely for conception by tracking the length of the menstrual cycle over several months. Those who wish to avoid pregnancy can plan intercourse during the "safe days" to reduce the risk of conception. So, how do you calculate the safe days for intercourse?
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Is there a way to have sex without a condom and still be safe?
Due to various reasons, some couples do not want to have children and want to enjoy their newlywed life for a while. Therefore, they look for some safe sex methods to help avoid pregnancy.
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Your best days to give birth
When is the best time to get pregnant is always a question that many couples are interested in. Currently, there are many ways to calculate the date of conception. This article will introduce readers to some simple methods to determine the most ideal time to conceive.
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