Home Tag Fecal excretion disorders

Articles in Fecal excretion disorders

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Difficulty defecation, faeces, living are symptoms of what disease?
For more than a month now, I have been eating and drinking normally, no abdominal pain, but it is very difficult to go out, sometimes I feel sad, but when I go to the toilet, I can't go or walk a little, very uncomfortable. Initially, there were episodes of abdominal pain and diarrhea for no reason, but now it is difficult or extremely small. Sometimes I have to push to come out, the stool is not shaped but it is crushed or apple. I have taken digestive enzymes but only the first time helps me to pass stool (but still decomposed, alive), and now I feel that drinking is still not very effective. The doctor asked me what are the symptoms of having difficulty passing stools, faeces, living?
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Abdominal pain with stool disorders warning of a dangerous disease?
I have abdominal pain intermittently, having a hard time passing stools, bloating, flatulence, when defecating is not the same as usual, but having symptoms of fullness in order to have a bowel movement, loose stools, or pain in the area around the navel. Can the doctor tell me that abdominal pain with a bowel disorder is a warning of a dangerous disease?
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Can congenital bowel disorders be completely cured?
This 21-year-old girl is suffering from digestive disorders since childhood, eating and drinking cold, sour, and fishy foods... is going to have to go out several times a day, and sometimes in her deep sleep, she has incontinence. which then leads to a slight leak of excess stool in the pants.
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Measures to diagnose colon cancer
Colon cancer is a common disease with a higher incidence in men than women. The disease usually appears between the ages of 40-45, and tends to increase with age. The disease has unclear signs, so the accurate diagnosis of colon cancer must rely on laboratory measures.
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Cardiology Pediatrics Orthopedics