Home Tag Exocrine pancreatic insufficiency

Articles in Exocrine pancreatic insufficiency

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Uses of Bentiromide
Bentiromide is used to help find out if the pancreas is working properly. Bentiromide is given by mouth and as a non-invasive test. However, in the process of using Bentiromide can cause some unwanted side effects such as shortness of breath, nausea and vomiting, weakness... Therefore, before using Bentiromide, it is necessary to find out information. Carefully and follow the doctor's instructions.
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Diet for exocrine pancreatic insufficiency (EPI)
The pancreas plays an important role in making enzymes and breaking down digestive enzymes to help the stomach digest food and absorb nutrients. Therefore, when suffering from exocrine pancreatic insufficiency, many patients often wonder what to eat with pancreatic insufficiency?
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What you need to know about exocrine pancreatic insufficiency
Thường không có cách nào để ngăn ngừa suy tụy ngoại tiết, đặc biệt nếu đó là kết quả của một tình trạng di truyền như xơ nang. Để giảm khả năng phát triển viêm tụy và suy tụy ngoại tiết liên quan, hãy tránh uống nhiều rượu, ăn một chế độ ăn cân bằng và tránh hút thuốc.
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Cardiology Pediatrics Orthopedics