Home Tag Esophageal papilloma resection

Articles in Esophageal papilloma resection

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Should esophageal papillomatosis be removed?
Hi doctor! Endoscopy found esophageal papilloma. Doctor let me ask, should esophageal papillomatosis be removed, doctor? Looking forward to your advice, thank you doctor!
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Esophageal papillomatosis is dangerous?
I performed an endoscopic intervention, performed a diagnostic test for H.Pylori infection with the following results: Esophageal: 25cm from CRT, there is a raised structure of 6mm in size, rough surface. Stomach: Clear fluid, congested gastric mucosa, edema, scattered superficial erosion. Conclusion: Gastric mucosal inflammation, HP positive, follow up esophageal papilloma. Recommend blood test, endoscopic papillomaectomy. So the doctor asked me if esophageal papillomatosis is dangerous? Is your disease a benign tumor? Do I need to remove the papilloma as well or can I take it slow because I'm in a stressful situation so I haven't been to the doctor yet? The doctor gave me medicine for 1 month to treat my stomach, I took it all and didn't feel any more stomach pain, but I haven't checked it yet.
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Cardiology Pediatrics Orthopedics