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Articles in ENT

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Nasal polyps: When is surgery needed?
Nasal polyps are conditions that occur in the lining of the nose and the sinuses, which are the four empty spaces above and behind the nose. However, nasal polyps are not usually considered pathological.
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The reason why the eardrum is easily perforated
Hearing is a sense that plays a very important role in the relationship between people and the world around them. In which, the eardrum is an indispensable element. The eardrum is a closed membrane that separates the middle ear from the outer ear. It conducts sound and protects the middle ear from bacteria and foreign matter.
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Easy to ignore, subjective with throat fungus
Throat thrush is a disease caused by damage to the lining of the throat. This is a rare disease, easy to recognize, but the patient is very easy to ignore and subjective. Symptoms of a sore throat are often not obvious and also difficult to recognize. The two most common symptoms are a cough and an itchy neck.
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Methods of cutting tonsils for children
The plasma knife or coblator tonsillectomy is a method of using energy from high-frequency electromagnetic waves (also known as radio waves) to create a conductive cloud around the cutting device, allowing cutting and breaking.
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Audiometry Guide
Hearing is one of the five senses of the human body, an important part that helps to absorb sound by detecting vibrations through the inner ear. Once this part is damaged, it can cause severe deafness, solid deafness, or complete deafness. Audiometry is one of the most effective and safe methods of checking sound reception.
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Advantages of flexible otolaryngoscopy
Different from the traditional endoscopic method that uses a hard tube which causes pain, stimulates vomiting and bleeding, making patients feel anxious and afraid when using the procedure, flexible otolaryngoscope uses a flexible bronchoscope.
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Sore throat syndrome: What you need to know
Loạn cảm họng là triệu chứng khiến người bệnh khó nuốt như có vật chen ngang cổ họng, đặc biệt khi nuốt không thể hít được không khí vào phổi khiến người bệnh phải khạc nhổ liên tục. Bệnh do nhiều nguyên nhân gây ra và thường chẩn đoán nhầm lẫn với các bệnh lý tai mũi họng khác.
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How is tonsillectomy performed?
Tonsillectomy can cause fatal complications due to many different causes, such as anesthesia, improper cutting technique, patients with blood clotting disorders. Therefore, before tonsillectomy, the patient will be assigned to perform the necessary tests to ensure safety in surgery.
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Hearing test for adults
Hearing loss or hard of hearing are both common conditions in older adults. Hearing testing plays an extremely important role in detecting hearing problems early, so that measures can be taken to improve and correct them before they become more serious.
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Yellow discharge in the ear: Beware of acute otitis externa
The condition of the ear canal with fluid or pus can be a sign of dangerous ear diseases such as ear eczema, ear cellulitis, otitis externa and most commonly acute otitis externa. Let's learn about the causes and treatment of watery earlobes through the article below.
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Instructions for removing foreign bodies from the ear
Foreign bodies in the ear are very common, especially in children. Foreign bodies in the ear usually do not cause symptoms at first until they trigger an inflammatory response that causes pain, itching, infection, and purulent discharge.
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Cardiology Pediatrics Orthopedics