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Articles in Electrocardiogram

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Causes of nervousness due to heart disease
Palpitations are not usually a serious health problem if they do not occur frequently. However, frequent palpitations of the heart can be an alarm symptom of some heart disease that needs to be checked soon.
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Middle chest pain when waking up is a sign of heart disease?
Hello doctor, I am 24 years old this year, for the last 2 months I have felt pain in my middle chest but only when I wake up or lie on my stomach, I do not feel short of breath or tired, do I have heart disease? ?
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Notes in patient care after heart surgery
In order to restore cardiac function, optimize systemic perfusion, and detect acute complications early, patients after cardiac surgery need special care and follow basic principles to achieve treatment results. the best.
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Is tachycardia dangerous?
Tachycardia is a heart rate above 100 beats per minute at rest. Depending on the cause and how difficult it is for the heart to work, a fast heart rate can be dangerous. Some people have asymptomatic tachycardia and the complications do not progress. However, a fast heart rate can increase your risk of stroke, heart failure, sudden cardiac arrest, and death.
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What causes chest pain at night?
I have a tingling pain in the center of my chest at night when I sleep near dawn, which keeps coming back at this time. During the day, there is almost no pain or little pain. My blood pressure is normal, my electrocardiogram is a little slow at 53 l/min. Echocardiogram results were normal, only tricuspid regurgitation 1⁄4. Ask your doctor what is the cause of chest pain at night?
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Left chest pain is a sign of what disease?
I have a history of high cholesterol. I'm on medication, on a diet, and my blood fat has decreased a lot. I have high blood pressure since 2014. Recently, I feel a little pain in my left chest, sometimes it throbs for about 3-5 seconds. What is the symptom of left chest pain? Recently in May 2021, I had an echocardiogram and the result was tricuspid valve regurgitation 2/4, so is it okay?
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Heart palpitations, chest tightness, sweating extremities are caused by what disease?
I often have symptoms of tightness in the left chest, feel the heart beat fast, hands and feet sweat easily. I work as a security guard, I sleep off-time from 3am to 11pm. I just started having these symptoms a few days ago. I'm translating so I can't go to the doctor. I want to ask the doctor what is the cause of the heart palpitations, chest tightness, sweating extremities?
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Cardiology Pediatrics Orthopedics