Home Tag ear bleeding

Articles in ear bleeding

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Learn about eardrum patch surgery
Eardrum patch surgery is a procedure used to repair holes or tears in the eardrum. Atrial patch surgery is also used to repair or replace 3 very small bones behind the eardrum. Usually, tympanic membrane patching is performed under a surgical microscope, recently some doctors have used endoscopic tympanic membrane patching system for ear surgery.
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How to limit ear bleeding due to improper hygiene?
I pick my ears and scratch the skin of the outer ear canal. I went to the doctor and the result was an ear infection. I bought enough medicine from the doctor, but when I got home, I saw blood from the scratch that didn't stop. Can I ask how to limit bleeding from improper hygiene?
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Instructions for removing foreign bodies from the ear
Foreign bodies in the ear are very common, especially in children. Foreign bodies in the ear usually do not cause symptoms at first until they trigger an inflammatory response that causes pain, itching, infection, and purulent discharge.
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Cardiology Pediatrics Orthopedics