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Articles in Dysentery

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How to cure dysentery in adults
Dysentery is an infection of the large intestine caused by bacteria or anaerobic dysentery. Most infections are in the form of asymptomatic carriers, some mild persistent or severe diarrhea is fulminant dysentery. So how to treat dysentery in adults like?
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The fastest way to cure dysentery
Dysentery is one of the diseases in the gastrointestinal tract that causes discomfort for patients in eating and drinking problems and daily activities. If not treated promptly and quickly, it can cause blood infection, liver abscess.... So how to treat dysentery? Here are the fastest ways to cure dysentery that people can refer to, from which to choose the most effective treatment when they have it.
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Children with dysentery: Causes, signs and treatment
Bệnh kiết lỵ ở trẻ em là nỗi băn khoăn của hầu hết bố mẹ vì khi bị kiết lỵ, bé vừa khó chịu vừa mệt mỏi do phải đi ngoài nhiều lần trong ngày. Thế nên bạn cần chú ý các triệu chứng bệnh kiết lỵ sau ở trẻ em để phát hiện kịp thời, chữa trị cũng như phòng tránh bệnh cho bé yêu sớm nhất, không để biến chứng thành những bệnh nguy hiểm khác.
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