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Articles in Crohn

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Certain anti-diarrheal drugs for Crohn's disease
In patients with milder Crohn's disease, current guidelines recommend close monitoring while treating symptoms. This includes making dietary changes and using anti-diarrheal medications to help control diarrhea associated with Crohn's disease.
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Lactaid: Uses, indications and precautions when using
The product Lactaid is an enzyme supplement used in people who have difficulty digesting milk and other dairy products (who are lactose intolerant).
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Diagnosis and treatment of Crohn's disease in children
Crohn's disease is a nonspecific inflammatory disease that affects the small intestine, large intestine, and can even affect any part of the digestive tract from the mouth to the colon and the anus. The disease is familial, usually in children.
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Laparoscopic small bowel anastomosis: What you need to know
“Laparoscopic small bowel resection” refers to the surgical technique of removing an abnormal or diseased portion of the intestine (small intestine) and then restoring the digestive tract by laparoscopic abdominal surgery.
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Is mesenteric lymphadenitis dangerous?
Mesenteric lymphadenitis is an inflammation of the lymph nodes in the mesentery of the intestine. Mesenteric lymphadenitis in young children is quite common, with symptoms of abdominal pain and high fever. In general, however, mesenteric lymphadenitis rarely causes serious complications.
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Diagnosis and treatment of mesenteric lymphadenitis
It is difficult to diagnose mesenteric lymphadenitis because the symptoms are often nonspecific and the lymph nodes are located deep in the abdomen. Usually no treatment for mesenteric lymphadenitis is needed because the disease usually improves within a few days and is almost completely resolved within 2 weeks.
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Clinical signs of upper and lower gastrointestinal bleeding
Gastrointestinal bleeding is a dangerous condition that can be life-threatening if not detected and treated promptly. Gastrointestinal bleeding is divided into upper gastrointestinal bleeding and lower gastrointestinal bleeding, of which the upper gastrointestinal bleeding is more common.
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Chronic inflammatory bowel disease – Diagnosis and treatment (Part 1)
Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) is a chronic inflammatory bowel disease that results from an excessive and prolonged immune response in the gastrointestinal mucosa to a certain antigen (food/bacteria). ...) on a particularly susceptible genetic basis, this is a disease with a period of remission and recurrence, which can "last a lifetime", the cause and "pathogenesis" are unknown but related. to immunity.
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Chronic inflammatory bowel disease – Diagnosis and treatment (Part 2)
Currently, the treatment of inflammatory bowel disease is still challenging, the diagnostic guidelines are updated regularly, requiring patient compliance, because this is a chronic, relapsing disease.
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How to cure Crohn's disease completely?
Hi doctor! The doctor asked me if there was a way to completely cure Crohn's, I have a family member who has such a disease. Looking forward to your advice, thank you doctor!
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Short bowel syndrome: causes, symptoms
Small bowel resection (usually more than 2⁄3 of the length of the small intestine) reduces absorption causing short bowel syndrome. Symptoms vary from patient to patient depending on the length and function of the remaining small intestine, but diarrhea can be severe and malnutrition is common.
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