Home Tag Congestive heart failure

Articles in Congestive heart failure

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What is Idatrile 5mg?
Idatril is a biologically active prodrug by hydrolysis of the ethyl ester moiety to the imidaprilat salt, which is a potent angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor. From there, it can dilate peripheral vessels, reduce vascular resistance, leading to a decrease in blood pressure. So what does Idatril 5mg do?
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Uses of Coryol 6.25 mg
Carvedilol is a multi-mechanical neurohormonal antagonist, both a non-selective beta-blocker and a vasodilator effect via alpha-receptor blockade. This active ingredient is present in the drug Coryol 6.25 mg.
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Meaning of blood lactate test
Xét nghiệm lactate trong máu là một trong những xét nghiệm được đánh giá cao trong việc theo dõi và chẩn đoán nhiều bệnh, đặc biệt là đối với các bệnh nhân hồi sức cấp cứu.
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Cardiology Pediatrics Orthopedics