Home Tag colorectal endoscopy

Articles in colorectal endoscopy

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Some problems can be encountered after colonoscopy
Rectal endoscopy is an essential technique to help diagnose diseases related to the digestive system quickly, accurately and with the safest and most effective treatment. One of the problems many people are afraid of is bleeding or complications after colonoscopy.
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Before colonoscopy: Do you need to fast?
Colonoscopy is one of the most effective methods for preventing or early detection of related diseases such as ulcers, colorectal cancer... Before colonoscopy, there are a number of things that need to be done. do such as: remove enemas, clean the intestines before colonoscopy...
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When you defecate the anus, the back ball appears, what disease?
Ask. When I defecate, when I push or do heavy work, there is a shadow below the anus. When it returns to normal, it drops back in. What disease is this? How is the treatment?
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What to do when taking medicine for constipation does not go away?
I am constipated but when I have a bowel movement, I feel that the stool cannot be pushed out and when I pass, it is very painful in the anal area. So tell me what to do when taking medicine for constipation does not go away?
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What you need to know about colonoscopy
Gastrointestinal diseases are a common group of diseases, especially digestive tract diseases. Anyone with more than once in their life suffering from mild to severe even very serious digestive tract problems.
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How to remove colorectal polyps?
Colorectal polyps are quite common diseases, when diagnosed with this disease, patients are often very worried and do not know whether they have colorectal cancer or not. Can colorectal surgery to treat or how?
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Is colonoscopy as scary as you think?
Along with the development of medicine, colonoscopy is a very common procedure that is considered safe, does not pose any danger, and complications are rare if you perform it at a reputable medical facility. prestige, skilled doctors and modern medical equipment.
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Pain in the abdomen below the navel is a sign of what disease?
Hello doctor! I often have abdominal pain after going out, the pain is gone. 1 day 2-3 times, 1 month about 2-3 times. At first, I thought I had a stomach ache that was about to come, because at first I only had it once a month, but recently I have had it about 2-3 times a month.
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Afraid of colonoscopy to screen for cancer - there are still other methods
Since about 2000, the colonoscopy method has been widely recommended by doctors for patients over 50 years old to screen for colon cancer. But in recent years, some in the medical field have called for a change of tack. There are, they say, equally effective tests that are less invasive and less challenging than colonoscopy.
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Preparation before colonoscopy
Colonoscopy is a procedure that helps doctors detect colon abnormalities such as ulcers, polyps, benign or malignant tumors, colonic bleeding... The process of preparing for colonoscopy begins in advance. 3-4 days
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What is the disease when passing out fresh blood naturally?
Naturally, I had fresh blood in the stool, no abdominal pain, no constipation. So the doctor asked me, what is the disease when passing out fresh blood naturally? How should I treat?
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