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Tag Climbing stairs
Articles in Climbing stairs
Is stair climbing good for the heart?
Climbing stairs takes a significant amount of effort on the knees, so if climbing stairs is a regular form of exercise, you should descend carefully and take good care of your joints after each session. practice.
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Could pregnant women climb stairs?
Pregnant women could climb stairs but it should be limited, especially in the first trimester. For pregnant women with high-risk of miscarriage or a history of it, climbing stairs should be absolutely avoided.
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Is taking the stairs considered exercise?
You don't have much time to exercise, so you always try to incorporate exercise into your daily activities, such as climbing stairs. So is taking the stairs considered exercise?
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What does climbing stairs say about your health?
“Is climbing stairs good for you?” is a question that many people ask. In fact, climbing stairs has many health benefits, including improving heart and lung health and strengthening major muscle groups. It is also used as a measure of fitness, if you cannot climb 4 flights of stairs within 1 minute, you should see a doctor to check your health status.
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Can climbing stairs lose weight?
One of the training methods that brings many health benefits today that many people choose is climbing stairs. In fact, exercises that combine climbing stairs also help us lose weight effectively, improve physical strength, increase resistance, prevent diseases, especially very good for the human cardiovascular system, improve quality of life and prolong life.
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