Home Tag Chronic hepatitis

Articles in Chronic hepatitis

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Uses of Chorlatcyn
Complying with indications and doses of Chorlatcyn will help patients improve treatment effectiveness and avoid unwanted side effects.
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Uses of AT medicine Silymarin 117mg
AT drug Silymarin 117mg is an effective drug in liver detoxification to help protect liver cells and enhance liver function. Helps limit the bad effects of alcohol or chemicals on the liver. So what is AT Silymarin 117mg drug? What are the uses of AT Silymarin 117mg? The following article will help you better understand the use of AT Silymarin 117mg drug.
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Uses of Samarin 140
Samarin 140 is used in the treatment of liver dysfunction problems. Samarin is available at all drugstores nationwide. Let's find out more details about the uses, usage and notes when using Samarin through the article below.
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Uses of Sylgan Syrup
Sylgan S drug is often used to treat symptoms of digestive disorders related to hepatobiliary such as slow digestion, anorexia, ... and other liver diseases. To ensure safety and soon achieve effective treatment, patients need to take Sylgan S drug according to the dose prescribed by the doctor.
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Uses of Pancrezyme
Pancrezym belongs to the group of gastrointestinal drugs in the form of tablets. The main ingredient of Pancrezym is ursodeoxycholic acid, which is indicated in the improvement of chronic hepatitis function.
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Uses of the drug Burci
Thuốc Burci chứa hoạt chất chính là Ursodeoxycholic acid với hàm lượng 150mg. Thuốc được chỉ định trong điều trị sỏi mật, bệnh viêm túi mật, viêm đường dẫn mật, cải thiện chức năng gan trong bệnh viêm gan mạn tính.
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Uses of Gomlami
Gomlami thuộc nhóm thuốc trị ký sinh trùng, chống nhiễm khuẩn, kháng virus và kháng nấm. Hiện nay thuốc được kê đơn dùng trong điều trị các bệnh viêm gan, xơ gan và ghép gan... Việc dùng thuốc bắt buộc phải có sự chỉ định của bác sĩ để đạt hiệu quả điều trị cao nhất.
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Uses of Tatridate
Thuốc Tatridat có thành phần chính là Acid Ursodeoxycholic, thường được dùng trong điều trị các bệnh lý gan mật. Hãy cùng tìm hiểu về công dụng thuốc Tatridat trong bài viết dưới đây.
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Learn about hepatitis B virus clearance rate
Hepatitis B is a form of hepatitis caused by the hepatitis B virus (HBV), which is transmitted through blood and genital tract. Hepatitis B affects nearly one-third of the world's population, especially in developing countries. However, among them, there are people who are infected with the B virus and can clear it on their own.
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Types of chronic and acute hepatitis and causes
If you have been diagnosed with hepatitis by your doctor, you need to have tests done to see how much inflammation is there and whether you have chronic hepatitis or acute hepatitis, because there are many types of hepatitis with different causes. different diseases.
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Does hepatitis B need immediate treatment?
On December 21, 2020, I went to the district hospital and tested positive for chronic hepatitis B (B18). Then I was prescribed by the doctor: Total blood cell analysis by automatic counter. Biochemistry test ast(got) 28.10,alt (fpt) 20.30, immunological (alpha FP) 2.9. General abdominal ultrasound of liver, kidney, bile, marrow, spleen and bladder did not detect any abnormalities. Screening for cirrhosis by FIBROSCAN scanner is 5.8, IQR 0.9,IQR/med 16%. After doing the above 4 steps, the doctor diagnosed that there was no need for treatment and said to re-examine in 3 months. So let me ask if hepatitis B needs to be treated right away?
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