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Articles in Chronic constipation

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Uses of Sodium Phosphate solution
Constipation occurs quite commonly in children, not only reducing the quality of life but can affect the health of children and psychological anxiety for parents. There are many measures to treat constipation such as dietary changes, physical therapy, drug use... One of the commonly used drugs to treat constipation is Sodium Phosphate solution.
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Bisacodyl - Laxative
Bisacodyl laxatives stimulate the muscles in the intestines, increasing intestinal contractions to move stool toward the anus. In addition, the drug also inhibits water reabsorption in the intestine, increasing water accumulation in the intestinal lumen.
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What does Hirmen do?
Hirmen drug belongs to the group of vitamin and mineral drugs, helping to improve symptoms of muscle pain, neuralgia, joint pain.... In addition, the drug also provides vitamin B1 in cases of fatigue, women in pregnancy and lactation period.
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Treatment of chronic functional constipation in children
When treating chronic functional constipation in children, if changes in diet and lifestyle habits are not effective, medication should be used. However, the treatment process, how the regimen will depend on the age and degree of apples in the child.
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What is chronic functional constipation in children?
Chronic functional constipation in children is manifested as: decreased number of bowel movements, often straining due to hard and dry stools. Chronic constipation can cause discomfort and pain for children every time they have a bowel movement, so it is necessary to take timely and definitive measures.
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Quiz: Test your understanding of chronic constipation
Chronic constipation not only causes discomfort and bloating, but also greatly affects work, life, and takes a lot of time and money. In particular, there are cases of constipation that occur continuously for many years. So what is chronic constipation? Do you understand what chronic constipation is? The following multiple choice questions will test your understanding of chronic constipation and help you understand it better.
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Will hemorrhoids come back after surgery?
Currently, hemorrhoids are a fairly common disease including internal hemorrhoids and external hemorrhoids. The disease causes many difficulties and obstacles in the process of daily living. Therefore, the need to completely cure hemorrhoids is the desire of many patients. The hemorrhoidectomy method is being used by many people. There have been many people with hemorrhoids who have wondered before the question "will hemorrhoids come back after cutting". Here is a detailed answer to the above problem.
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Cardiology Pediatrics Orthopedics