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Articles in Children go outside

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Is it okay for babies to drink formula to have green stools?
The doctor let me ask, my baby is 2 months old, because of the loss of milk, I give him optimal gold powder, but the baby has green stools that are neither liquid nor solid. This phenomenon has lasted for a month, the color of the stool is green like when I was pregnant, I took iron tablets.
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Children with diarrhea should eat carrots?
Nhờ hàm lượng giàu vitamin A, khoáng chất và chất xơ cao nên cà rốt thường hay được cha mẹ sử dụng trong khẩu phần ăn hàng ngày cho trẻ. Tuy nhiên trong trường hợp con bị tiêu chảy bé có nên ăn cà rốt không?
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4-month-old baby has loose yellow stools with foamy mucus, is it because of formula milk?
Hi doctor! My baby is 4 months old and still has loose stools. A baby has a bowel movement 5 to 6 times a day, the stools are yellow and foamy, sometimes even watery.
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Baby is almost 2 months old, is 1 bowel movement a day too little?
Hi doctor! My baby is almost 2 months now, since the end of the meconium until now, she has a regular bowel movement once a day. Baby eats 8 servings of 120ml each, exclusively breastfed. So, the doctor asked me if my baby is almost 2 months old and has a bowel movement once a day, is it too little?
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The child's fever has subsided after taking the medicine, but the stool is watery, should I take him to the doctor?
Hi doctor! My baby had a fever for 2 days, the first day it fluctuated only 37.8 days, the second day it was 38.4. I gave her a fever reducer and the temperature was reduced to 37.2 but she passed watery stools. So the doctor asked me: "The child's fever has subsided after taking the medicine, but there is water in the stool, should I take him to the doctor?". Thanks for the advice and answers!
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Recovery from antibiotic-induced digestive disorders
Trẻ em uống kháng sinh bị đi ngoài là tác dụng phụ thường gặp khi điều trị các bệnh nhiễm khuẩn bằng kháng sinh, đặc biệt trường hợp uống kháng sinh trong thời gian dài. Vậy trẻ uống kháng sinh bị tiêu chảy cần làm gì để hồi phục sau rối loạn tiêu hóa cho trẻ?
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Cardiology Pediatrics Orthopedics