Home Tag Chest pain and difficulty breathing

Articles in Chest pain and difficulty breathing

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The feeling of heaviness in the chest with shortness of breath indicates what disease?
Hello doctor, I have a heavy chest on the left side, it's hard to breathe every time I take a deep breath to get air in, I also have trouble sleeping. Doctor, please help me see what's wrong with me!
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Frequent shortness of breath with pain in the middle of the chest is heart disease?
The doctor asked me if I often have trouble breathing with pain in the middle of my chest, is it heart disease? I have pain in the chest, pain in the middle, often have difficulty breathing, weak limbs. Especially, when I'm working, I still feel pain, even resting all day is still painful
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Decoding common chest pain
Đau tức ngực là tình trạng rất thường gặp đối với tất cả mọi người. Không chỉ phổ biến ở người cao tuổi, đau tức ngực còn có xu hướng trẻ hóa dần và đi kèm với nhiều dấu hiệu khác nhau như: tức ngực khó thở, đau ngực buồn nôn, đau thắt ngực bên trái, bên phải, ở giữa kèm đau nhói ở tim
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Cardiology Pediatrics Orthopedics