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Articles in Chest pain

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Occasional left chest pain is what disease? Is it dangerous?
Hello doctor, I am 37 years old this year, pain in my left chest, occurs 2 years ago, sometimes but not often. Since the first symptom appeared 5 times now, I can't breathe. I want to ask the doctor what is this disease and is it dangerous?
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Q: What is the symptom of chest pain?
Hi doctor! For the past two weeks, I have been experiencing chest pain, the left breast is more painful than the right one. In addition, I also have indigestion, abdominal heaviness along with diarrhea. Doctor tell me what's wrong with my condition?
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Chest pain every time the heart beats but going to the doctor has normal results, is it okay?
I had a little discomfort in my heart at 4pm yesterday and it's been going on until now, I feel a sharp pain every time my heart beats, on the left side. I went to the hospital to check, the doctor finished the examination and said that my heart was normal and sent me home. So the doctor told me, my chest hurts every time my heart beats, but when I go to the doctor, the results are normal, is it okay? Because every 2-3 minutes, my heart throbs and hurts, so I'm uncomfortable and worried. Ask your doctor for advice. Thank you doctor!
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Anxiety, chest pain, neck fatigue, hand tremors are symptoms of what disease?
I often get nervous, left chest often throbs with pain, feeling left palpitations at the same time with both hands shaking, feeling like falling down when standing. The neck behind is always tired spreading to the shoulders, holding objects for a long time is extremely tired. The doctor advises me to help me feel nervous, throbbing chest pain, neck fatigue, shaking hands, which are the symptoms of what disease? Thank you.
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What is heart palpitations with chest pain?
I was having heart palpitations throughout my body, shortness of breath and headache. I often have chest pain. I have had it for almost 3 months now sir. So the doctor asked me what is the heart palpitations with chest pain?
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Is chest pain with shortness of breath a heart disease?
Recently, I often have a sharp pain in the left chest area, and sometimes I feel a burning sensation in the chest area right at the heart. At the same time, I often have difficulty breathing. So the doctor asked me if the chest pain with shortness of breath is a heart disease? Should I go to the doctor right away? Thank you.
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Cardiology Pediatrics Orthopedics