Home Tag Causes of diarrhea

Articles in Causes of diarrhea

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Diarrhea with bloating and bloating after eating boiled eggs, what to do?
The case of a 40-year-old patient, 155cm tall, 40kg weight, thin and weak. About 3 weeks ago, the patient kept eating boiled eggs and had diarrhea. Doctors advise to help diarrhea with bloating and gas after eating boiled eggs, what to do?
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What is the cause of diarrhea?
I have diarrhea for 1-2 months, and there are no signs such as abdominal pain, going to the toilet continuously... I go to the toilet once a day, the stool is usually loose, sometimes watery and has a fishy smell. I don't know what the cause of the diarrhea is
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How to cure food poisoning at home?
Dear doctor, my grandson sometimes has mild digestive disorders, I usually adjust his diet and he is back to normal and does not need to take medicine. Yesterday, I went to eat with my friends and had abdominal pain and vomiting. I let her lie down and continue to exchange porridge with soup for her to digest easily. But recently, especially since the summer break, every few weeks, it only takes 2-3 days to go away. I am wondering if it is because I have not properly treated my own poisoning at home, causing him not to be treated completely or not? Ask your doctor for advice on how to treat food poisoning at home and what to watch out for! Sincerely thank the doctor.
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Causes of diarrhea in infants and children
Nếu thỉnh thoảng trẻ đi phân lỏng thì điều này không có gì đáng lo ngại, nhưng đột nhiên đi tiêu lỏng hơn, thường xuyên hơn có thể là tiêu chảy. Nguyên nhân gây tiêu chảy bao gồm nhiễm trùng, uống quá nhiều nước trái cây, pha sữa không đúng cách và dị ứng thức ăn. Với trường hợp bé bị tiêu chảy hãy nói chuyện với bác sĩ để hạn chế tình trạng mất nước của bé.
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