Home Tag Cardiomyopathy

Articles in Cardiomyopathy

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Uses of Vyndamax
Vyndamax is used to treat transthyretin-associated amyloidosis in adults. The main ingredient of Vyndamax is Tafamidis, which is available in capsule form. Detailed information of the drug Vyndamax is presented in the article below.
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Computed tomography in patients with cardiomyopathy
Cardiomyopathy is a major cause of heart failure, with a poor prognosis and high mortality. Early diagnosis is important in the detection and treatment of the disease. In which, computed tomography is a technique for diagnosing cardiomyopathy with high accuracy, being widely applied today.
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How is restrictive cardiomyopathy treated?
Restrictive cardiomyopathy is cardiomyopathy. With this disease, the heart will have a limited ability to contract because the muscles inside the heart are stiff, so the heart cannot relax completely. The disease makes it harder for the heart to pump enough blood to the organs in the body. Constricted heart muscle will cause heart failure if not treated promptly.
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Cardiomyopathy can be seen in children
Cardiomyopathy caused by dysfunction of the heart muscle. Cardiomyopathy in children is relatively rare with unclear manifestations, but severe course and high risk of death should be detected early. Below are the possible cardiomyopathy in children.
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What to do when you have chronic ischemic heart disease?
Chronic ischemic heart disease is the killer god that takes the lives of many patients. Understanding and choosing the correct diagnostic methods is important for effective disease detection and treatment.
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Color Doppler echocardiography in the diagnosis of cardiomyopathy
When color Doppler echocardiography is used in the diagnosis of cardiomyopathy, the regions of the myocardium are color-coded according to the travel velocity and shown on the screen along with the 2D ultrasound image or the venous ultrasound image for direction. as well as the velocity of the heart muscle. In addition, color Doppler echocardiography has the ability to increase spatial resolution and evaluate multiple myocardial structures and regions in the same view.
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Is 50mm left atrial dilatation dangerous?
Doctor let me ask if left atrial dilatation of 50mm size is dangerous? What is the treatment
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How does aging affect your heart?
Aging can affect every organ in the body. The cardiovascular system is also a part affected by the natural aging process. Therefore, understanding the aging problem will help you to adjust your lifestyle accordingly.
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Learn about unsustainable ventricular tachycardia
Unsustainable ventricular arrhythmias are a type of arrhythmia, characterized by episodes of tachycardia lasting < 30 seconds. Tachycardia is very dangerous and requires prompt detection and treatment. Let's learn about unstable ventricular tachycardia in the following article.
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Cardiomyopathy - Early signs and treatment
Những căn bệnh về tim mạch đe dọa đến tính mạng của người bệnh bất kỳ lúc nào. Ngoài các căn bệnh chúng ta thường biết như bệnh mạch vành, hở van tim... thì bệnh cơ tim càng ngày càng nhận được nhiều sự quan tâm của cộng đồng. Để nâng cao nhận biết của bạn về căn bệnh nguy hiểm này, dưới đây là tư vấn của Theo Ths.Bs Đỗ Xuân Chiến tại bệnh viện Vinmec Hạ Long
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Cardiogenic pulmonary edema: What you need to know
Phù phổi cấp (OAP) là tình trạng ngạt thở cấp tính do nhiều nguyên nhân khác nhau làm cho dịch thoát ra ngoài mao mạch phổi quá nhiều gây phù phổi. Một trong những nguyên nhân chính gây phù phổi cấp đó là các bệnh lý tim mạch như bệnh van tim, nhồi máu cơ tim, viêm cơ tim,... Tình trạng này được gọi là phù phổi cấp do tim.
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Cardiology Pediatrics Orthopedics