Home Tag Cancer Marker Test

Articles in Cancer Marker Test

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Ovarian cancer risk factors
Ung thư buồng trứng là bệnh lý ác tính phụ khoa ngày càng gặp nhiều. Theo Hiệp hội ung thư Hoa Kỳ ACS, nguy cơ ung thư buồng trứng của phụ nữ trung bình là 1/78.
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What do elevated cancer markers test results mean?
Malignant cancer is a disease with rapid proliferation of abnormal cell lines, leading to aggressive invasion and metastasis to surrounding tissues. When performing tests to assess cancer status, elevated levels of cancer markers can cause anxiety in patients undergoing testing.
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What is a cancer marker test?
Cancer has always been one of the leading causes of death in the world. Periodic screening with cancer tests plays an important role in early detection and appropriate treatment orientation. The cancer marker test index is also an effective tool to help increase the definite diagnosis of cancer-positive cases.
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