Home Tag Calf pain

Articles in Calf pain

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Calf pain when walking, is it arterial disease?
Arteritis of the lower extremities often has no obvious symptoms, so it is often misdiagnosed with bone and joint diseases, diseases due to old age. In the early stages, patients often have calf pain when walking, have to stop, sit and rest to be able to continue walking.
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Calf pain after treatment for deep vein thrombosis of the lower extremities is worrisome?
Hello doctor. I have deep vein thrombosis of lower extremities treated for 8 days in 1 hospital. After going home for outpatient treatment, my legs are no longer swollen, but for a few days I have pain in my calf like a cramp and can't walk.
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What is the disease of the left calf with zigzag blue veins? Is it worrisome?
Hi doctor. Please ask the doctor what is the disease of the left calf with the zigzag tendon? Is it worrisome? Is there any way to cure it completely?
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7 Pain Signs You Shouldn't Ignore
Bất kể tuổi tác, mọi người đều trải qua tình trạng đau nhức cơ thể. Những cơn đau có thể đến và nhanh chóng biến mất, hoặc chúng cũng có thể kéo dài hơn. Tuy nhiên, bạn không nên chủ quan với tình trạng này mà hãy đi gặp bác sĩ để được khám và tìm ra nguyên nhân chính xác để có thể điều trị bệnh kịp thời được tiềm ẩn trong những cơn đau này.
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Cardiology Pediatrics Orthopedics